

Industry Leading 1 Year Warranty on all Magnetos


3 - 5 Day Typical Turnaround Time


We love aviation and keeping our customers flying safely!

With over 75 years of experience that spans three (3) generations of aviation professionals, we are here to continue what many have come to appreciate about our family business: one of the best magneto overhauls in the industry with our promise to support you as a part of our aviation family!

Below you'll find some of our loyal customers are available to testify to this promise.

Give us a call to inquire about bench testing, repairing & overhauling, or just to chat. Looking forward to meeting you!

Request a FREE Quote

Todd and Sid Decker

We are pleased to announce that Champion Aerospace has recognized our attention to detail and reputation by appointing T&W Aircraft Electrical as an Approved Factory Repair Station. As such, we are confident that you will see the difference in what a true Factory Overhaul operates like. Please call to schedule service or to see how we can assist your companies needs in supply and distribution.
T&W Aircraft Electrical is a Champion authorized magneto service center offering Factory Overhauled Slick Magnetos with an OEM Warranty - 12 months from the date of installation.
  • Factory overhauled in accordance with Champion Aerospace master service manual L-1363
  • 500 Hour Inspections and Repairs
  • 100% Genuine OEM Parts
As an FAA Certified Repair Station, we comply with every service bulletin, airworthiness directive and manufacturer recommendation during our repair or overhaul process to ensure the safety and reliability of your magneto.

Southern Cross Aviation

Champion Aerospace

Zephyr Aircraft Engines

Penn Yan Aero

St. Pete Air

Sunair Aviation

Certified Engines Unlimited, Inc.

Fixed Wing Aviation

Sarasota Avionics

McFarlane Aviation


Call us at 813-740-9049 or   CONTACT US